Indigenous Studies Program Visions, Goals, Protocols 101, 201 & 301
Session 4
Session 4
LEVEL 101: Significance of Smudging and Use of Feathers
Smudging is a term used to describe the process of putting sacred medicines (why is the term medicine used?) into a seawater shell bowl to burn and to use to cleanse oneself, others and sacred objects. The first element is the shell bowl that represents the water as the shell comes from the sea; the second element are the medicines which represent the earth; the fire is the third element and the air is the fourth. The four main medicines that we put into the shell bowl are: sweetgrass; sage; cedar and tobacco and sometimes others that are used for healing depression. The medicines that we put into the shell bowl are: sweetgrass; sage; cedar and tobacco and sometimes others that are used for healing depression.
Feathers such as Eagle, Owl, Hawk, Partridge feathers and Fans are used in the smudging process.
The learner will be able to develop knowledge and awareness of the different Indigenous medicines and Feathers used in smudging and other ceremonies.
Identify and describe techniques for obtaining and storing sacred medicines such as Labrador tea.
Identify and describe the four elements and feathers involved in the smudging process.
Explain the rewards/value of leading a healthy lifestyle and identify and explain the techniques to achieve it by using smudging medicines.
LEVEL 201: Eastern Season Quadrant
Learners in this quadrant represent the East, Yellow, Spring, Sunrise, Tobacco, Eagle, Water, Birth/Child, Spirit
Learners will place their stones in the Eastern Quadrant. All other Learners will listen and learn. The Learners in this quadrant will be given the responsibility to teach these Season words and their meanings. These Learners will take their stones home with them as before.
The learner will be able to describe their understanding of the Season words and their meaning:
Identify and apply steps to using Tobacco in a ceremonial manner.
Describe and Identify all the Season words to other Learners from another quadrant.