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Indigenous Customs, Traditions, Protocols 101

Together we will follow the Anishinabe ceremonial processes that have been used since time immemorial. These are followed as customs, traditions, and protocols. Over time some of our customs and practices have been influenced negatively by colonization.

We intend to have discussions of these colonized effects which have affected Indigenous women from fully participating in Indigenous ceremonies. In this way, we are given a choice to decide for ourselves which protocols are appropriate for our current use of Anishinabe Traditional ceremonies.

We will conclude the 101 program with an in-depth teaching of  the  Pipe Ceremony -  a greater gift that was given to our Indigenous people by White Buffalo Calf woman of the Lakota People

These cultural studies are designed for those individuals and groups who want to improve their knowledge of Anishinabe culture.

The teaching process will use an Anishinabe Teaching Circle participatory model of interaction which provides spiritual direction to learners and is meant to complement other healing processes such as medical health care, therapy, and counseling supports.

  • This program takes place over 8 sessions and registration fee is $600 for the full program.

  • Each session will last 2 hours with an opportunity for learners to meet individually with the Elder Instructor afterwards.

  • Skaa-bee helpers will be in attendance to assist with questions and personal assistance of the Elder and the learners.

  • Studies will be taught in English, however, some Anishinabe words may also be introduced as they refer to Anishinabe traditional ceremonies

  • No handout materials will be provided, and no video/telephone recordings will be required.

  • Learners may take notes which may be referred for discussion purposes only

  • One expectation is for participants in Indigenous ceremonies be free from alcohol and drugs for a week before attending ceremonies.

  • All participants are asked to arrive on time. If you are going to miss a class due to illness or reasons beyond your control, you must notify the Support worker before the class.

  • Each participant may bring a light lunch and beverage to the sessions.

The Indigenous Studies Program creates awareness to respect the customs and practices of Indigenous peoples but does not create proficiency skills that will allow learners to become practicing teachers such as seasoned Elders or Knowledge Keepers who conduct actual ceremonies.

Medicine Wheel; 7 Grand/Father/Mother Teachings 201

This is a second level 201 Indigenous Studies course attended by participants who graduated from the Level 101 introductory level course. This course is designed to provide knowledge to Learners, both male and female, who have received first-hand knowledge from our Level 101 course, of which protocols are expected to be followed by participants when attending Anishinabe Traditional ceremonies. We will use a 2 Hour per week Teaching Circle session for 8 weeks. This course will provide an introduction to basic Anishinabe Medicine Wheel teachings which is a teaching tool. These teachings will begin with the Anishinabe 7 Grand/father/mother - Minotisiwin - Teachings which are a set of guiding principles passed down from generation to generation to guide us in living a good like in peace and without conflict.  Some Medicicine Wheel teachings may differ from nation to nation, and we acknowledge and respect those differences. The Medicine Wheel is circular and as we learned in Level 101, that in a circle, everything is equal, balanced and interconnected. The Medicine Wheel is also cyclical, which goes around repeatedly in cycles. The cycles are circular, like the cycles of day and night, and the four seasons. The Medicine Wheel cycles have four stages which are called The Fours. In this class, four-five Learners will be assigned to each quadrant and they will work in that quadrant for the duration of the classes.


One expectation is for participants to be free from alcohol and drugs for 5-7 days before attending this course and all traditional ceremonies. The Elder teacher will determine the Learners suitable participation when required.


The Indigenous Studies Program LEVEL 201 Medicine Wheel course creates awareness and  encourages Learners to be open to different perspectives, cultural traditions, ways of seeing and learning.


In this course learners develop awareness and education skills that are required to participate in LEVEL 301 Indigenous ceremonies. Self awareness, learning styles, working in groups, critical thinking skills and effective communication strategies are practiced and applied in this course and throughout the program. In addition, success in Indigenous courses depends on a number of supporting skills, such as active listening, writing notes, and organizing attendance times. Participatory skills can be taught and learned like any other skill, such as reading or writing. The role of the  (Skaa-bee) Helpers  who will participate in each session to provide support and resources to learners who are participating in  a 2 hour classroom session; and during and after regular scheduled class time.

Ceremonies, Past, Present, Future: Level 301

All of the Level 301 sessions will be published on this webpage in the near future.


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